Creating a campaign is easy to do on your Zesty Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns tab on your Dashboard. If you have never created a campaign before you can select Create Campaign under the campaigns title. Otherwise, you can select the button on the right side of the screen.


  1. On the New Campaign page, enter the following:

    1. A name for your campaign.
    2. The ad format for your campaign. Zesty supports three banner sizes which you can find in the table below.

    <aside> 💡 If you would like to run multiple banner formats, you will have to create separate campaigns for each format you would like to run.


    Format Width (px) Height (px)
    Tall 768 1024
    Square 1024 1024
    Wide 1024 256

    c. The banner image you would like to use for your campaign. Please try to match this scale to your ad format. If your image does not match the selected format, you will be given the option to crop it to match.


    d. The Call To Action url you would like your campaign to direct to.

    <aside> 💡 We would recommend attaching UTM parameters to your link to allow for attribution tracking through your preferred platform.

    An example link would look like:

    You can find more information about UTM parameters and how to ad them to your URLs at this link.


    e. A short description for your campaign.


  2. Once this information is entered, click Create New Campaign and proceed to the following page to fund your campaign.


Creating Your Advertiser Account


Fund Your Campaign


If you have any questions or issues with the sign up process, please reach out to us at [email protected] or through our Discord. You may also find answers to some common questions on our FAQ.

This page was last updated on April 14, 2023.